پودمان:Archive list
![نماد توضیحات](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/43/Test_Template_Info-Icon_-_Version_%282%29.svg/50px-Test_Template_Info-Icon_-_Version_%282%29.svg.png)
در صورت تمایل یک صفحهٔ توضیحات برای این پودمان اسکریبونتو ایجاد کنید. ویرایشگران میتوانند در صفحههای تمرین (ایجاد | آینه) و آزمایشی (ایجاد) این پودمان را آزمایش کنند. لطفاً ردهها را به زیرصفحهٔ /توضیحات بیافزایید. زیرصفحههای این پودمان. |
-- قسمتهایی از این پودمان جهت فارسیسازی و بهتر کار کردن در ویکیپدیای فارسی تغییر کردهاست. هنگام بهروزرسانی دقت کنید.
local convert = require("Module:Numeral converter").convert
-- This module implements {{archive list}} in Lua, and adds a few
-- new features.
-- Process a numeric argument to make sure it is a positive
-- integer.
local function processNumArg( num )
if num then
num = tonumber( num )
if type( num ) == 'number' then
num = math.floor( num )
if num >= 0 then
return num
return nil
-- Checks whether a page exists, going through pcall
-- in case we are over the expensive function limit.
local function checkPageExists( title )
if not title then
error('هیچ عنوانی به checkArchiveExists ارسال نشدهاست', 2)
local noError, titleObject = pcall(mw.title.new, title)
if not noError then
-- If we are over the expensive function limit then assume
-- that the page doesn't exist.
return false
if titleObject then
return titleObject.exists
return false -- Return false if given a bad title.
-- Checks every nth archive to see if it exists, and returns the
-- number of the first archive that doesn't exist. It is
-- necessary to do this in batches because each check is an
-- expensive function call, and we want to avoid making too many
-- of them so as not to go over the expensive function limit.
local function checkArchives( prefix, n, start )
local i = start
local exists = true
while exists do
-- این قسمت برای عملکرد در ویکیپدیای فارسی تغییر کردهاست.
exists = checkPageExists( prefix .. convert("fa", tostring( i ) ) )
if exists then
i = i + n
return i
-- Return the biggest archive number, using checkArchives()
-- and starting in intervals of 1000. This should get us a
-- maximum of 500,000 possible archives before we hit the
-- expensive function limit.
local function getBiggestArchiveNum( prefix, max )
-- Return the value for max if it is specified.
max = processNumArg( max )
if max then
return max
-- Otherwise, detect the largest archive number.
local check1000 = checkArchives( prefix, 1000, 1 )
if check1000 == 1 then
return 0 -- Return 0 if no archives were found.
local check200 = checkArchives( prefix, 200, check1000 - 1000 )
local check50 = checkArchives( prefix, 50, check200 - 200 )
local check10 = checkArchives( prefix, 10, check50 - 50 )
local check1 = checkArchives( prefix, 1, check10 - 10 )
-- check1 is the first page that doesn't exist, so we want to
-- subtract it by one to find the biggest existing archive.
return check1 - 1
-- Get the archive link prefix (the title of the archive pages
-- minus the number).
local function getPrefix( root, prefix, prefixSpace )
local ret = root or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText
ret = ret .. '/'
if prefix then
ret = ret .. prefix
if prefixSpace == 'yes' then
ret = ret .. ' '
ret = ret .. 'بایگانی '
return ret
-- Get the number of archives to put on one line. Set to
-- math.huge if there should be no line breaks.
local function getLineNum( links, nobr )
local linksToNum = tonumber( links )
local lineNum
if nobr == 'yes' or (links and not linksToNum) then
lineNum = math.huge
-- If links is a number, process it. Negative values and expressions
-- such as links=8/2 produced some interesting values with the old
-- template, but we will ignore those for simplicity.
elseif type(linksToNum) == 'number' and linksToNum >= 0 then
-- The old template rounded down decimals to the nearest integer.
lineNum = math.floor( linksToNum )
if lineNum == 0 then
-- In the old template, values of links between 0 and 0.999
-- suppressed line breaks.
lineNum = math.huge
lineNum = 10 -- Default to 10 links.
return lineNum
-- Gets the prefix to put before the archive links.
local function getLinkPrefix( prefix, space )
-- Get the link prefix.
local ret = ''
if type(prefix) == 'string' then
ret = prefix
if space == 'yes' then
ret = ret .. ' '
return ret
-- Get the number to start listing archives from.
local function getStart( start )
start = processNumArg( start )
if start then
return start
return 1
-- Process the separator parameter.
local function getSeparator( sep )
if sep and type(sep) == 'string' then
if sep == 'dot'
or sep =='pipe'
or sep == 'comma'
or sep == 'tpt-languages' then
return mw.message.new( sep .. '-separator' ):plain()
return sep
return nil
-- Generates the list of archive links. glargs.max must be either zero (for
-- no archives) or a positive integer value.
local function generateLinks( glargs )
if type( glargs ) ~= 'table' or not glargs.max or not glargs.prefix then
error('آرگومانهای ناکافی به generateLinks ارسال شدهاست', 2)
-- If there are no archives yet, return a message and a
-- link to create Archive one.
if glargs.max == 0 then
return 'هیچ بایگانی هنوز وجود ندارد ([[' .. glargs.prefix .. '۱|بسازید]])'
-- Return an html error if the start number is greater than the
-- maximum number.
local start = glargs.start or 1
if start > glargs.max then
return '<span class="error">مقدار شروع "'
.. tostring( start )
.. '" بزرگتر از شماره تازهترین بایگانی است "'
-- این قسمت برای فارسیسازی بهتر تغییر کردهاست.
.. convert("fa", tostring( glargs.max ) )
.. '".</span>'
local linkPrefix = glargs.linkPrefix or ''
local sep = glargs.sep or mw.message.new( 'comma-separator' ):plain()
local lineNum = glargs.lineNum or 10
local lineSep = glargs.lineSep or '<br />'
-- Generate the archive links.
local lineCounter = 1 -- The counter to see whether we need a line break or not.
local ret = {} -- A table containing the strings to be returned.
for archiveNum = start, glargs.max do
local link = mw.ustring.format(
-- دو خط زیر برای فارسیسازی بهتر تغییر کردهاست.
glargs.prefix, convert("fa", tostring(archiveNum)), linkPrefix, convert("fa", tostring(archiveNum))
table.insert( ret, link )
-- If we don't need a new line, output a comma. We don't need
-- a comma after the last link.
if lineCounter < lineNum and archiveNum < glargs.max then
table.insert( ret, sep )
lineCounter = lineCounter + 1
-- Output new lines if needed. We don't need a new line after
-- the last link.
elseif lineCounter >= lineNum and archiveNum < glargs.max then
table.insert( ret, lineSep )
lineCounter = 1
return table.concat( ret )
-- Get the archive data and pass it to generateLinks().
local function _main( args )
local prefix = getPrefix( args.root, args.prefix, args.prefixspace )
local max = getBiggestArchiveNum( prefix, args.max )
local lineNum = getLineNum( args.links, args.nobr )
local linkPrefix = getLinkPrefix( args.linkprefix, args.linkprefixspace )
local start = getStart( args.start )
local sep = getSeparator( args.sep )
local lineSep = getSeparator( args.linesep )
local glargs = {
start = start,
max = max,
prefix = prefix,
linkPrefix = linkPrefix,
sep = sep,
lineNum = lineNum,
lineSep = lineSep
return generateLinks( glargs )
-- A wrapper function to make getBiggestArchiveNum() available from
-- #invoke.
local function _count( args )
local prefix = getPrefix( args.root, args.prefix, args.prefixspace )
local archiveMax = getBiggestArchiveNum( prefix )
return archiveMax
function makeWrapper( func )
return function( frame )
-- If we are being called from #invoke, get the args from #invoke
-- if they exist, or else get the arguments passed to the parent
-- frame. Otherwise, assume the arguments are being passed directly
-- in from another module or from the debug console.
local origArgs
if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
origArgs = frame:getParent().args
for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do
origArgs = frame.args
origArgs = frame
-- Ignore blank values for parameters other than "links",
-- which functions differently depending on whether it is
-- blank or absent.
local args = {}
for k, v in pairs( origArgs ) do
if k == 'links' or v ~= '' then
args[k] = v
return func( args )
return {
main = makeWrapper( _main ),
count = makeWrapper( _count )